    HomeOn Demand WebinarsNext generation microwave solutions for the delivery of LTE

    Next generation microwave solutions for the delivery of LTE


    Date: Wednesday 6 October 2010. 2-3pm BST
    Keith Dyer, Editor, Mobile Europe
    Julius Robson, former Chairman of the LTE/SAE Trial Initiative; Lance Hiley, VP Market Strategy, Cambridge Broadband Networks

    It won’t be long before almost every handset in the European market is a smartphone and the world of multi-megabit data rates will be available to all. And to add to the load there are entirely new classes of data capable mobile devices – the iPad is just the start for connected touch screen tablets and it’s being joined by a range of ‘machine to machine’ device data transfer scenarios for business and consumer applications.
    These factors are driving the industry irresistibly to LTE and its efficient, Ethernet based, all-IP architecture which will meet capacity demands at a significantly lower cost per bit. Unfortunately, even with LTE, putting enough fibre in the ground to cope with backhauling this data explosion would empty the coffers of even the well-heeled operator to say nothing of the practicalities, the environmental cost and the time to deploy. Microwave, as it does today, will feature heavily in LTE deployments but what are the specific requirements and how do operators use new microwave technologies to maximise the benefit?  Join Julius Robson, former Chairman of the LTE/SAE Trial Initiative and Lance Hiley, VP Market Strategy, Cambridge Broadband Networks for a guide through the maze of LTE microwave. Julius will be discussing the traffic that LTE base stations will generate, as well as expectations for backhaul capacity requirements whilst Lance will compare the costs and benefits of a range of different backhaul technologies for next generation mobile backhaul.

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